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Ready for your personalized Virtual CISO Assessment?

At BOXX we provide enterprise grade expertise and solutions to protect your business - and its most important assets - from cyber threats and crimes. Think of us as your pre-packaged, virtual Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), who works 24/7 to make sure you are, and remain, cyber secure. 


No capital outlay. Security fit for size. 24/7 protection.

  • Assess Cybersecurity Risks

  • Prioritize Cybersecurity Gaps

  • Develop Cybersecurity Strategic Roadmaps

  • Implement Cybersecurity Programs

Welcome to your new,
cost-effective cyber security department.

Our Hackbusters™ team provides everything you need “out of the boxx” to protect you from ransomware and other cyber threats with constant monitoring.  

BOXX Hubspot Landing Image - Virtual CISO

“That’s why I really enjoy working with cyber insurers like BOXX. You don’t just buy a policy and then never hear anything until a bomb goes off and you have a major claim. They play a crucial role in helping you with the risk management side of things to help avoid a cyber incident to begin with.”

-Nancy Mills, Hubbard Insurance Group