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Purpose built
Cyber Protection
for Independent Professionals 

Interested in Cyberboxx Assist? Let us help you stay ahead of threats, and provide emergency support when you need it most.

Cyber protection for when cyber insurance is not an option.

  • Receive a Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) to augment your technology leadership team, by providing advice and solutions to boost your cyber security. 

  • 24/7 Cyber "Emergency Assistance" with real-time access to cyber experts.

  • Alerts when someone impersonates your business online, or if your confidential data is mentioned on the Dark Web.

  • Preferred rates with our partners for the tools and technologies to protect your business

  • And much more!

Made in Canada – our services are more than an incident response retainer.

Cyberboxx Assist offers three plans to meet your specific needs, custom built to maximize prevention, protection and response to cyber threats.

BOXX Hubspot Landing Image - Webinar Cyber Policy Walkthrough

You are running an independent business you love.
Focus on running your business. Let us protect it.